Saturday, October 8, 2011

PC Troubleshooting 101

Troubleshooting your PC requires hard work. If you are an expert at it, a technician would no longer be needed to solve the problem. But if you think that the problem is beyond your abilities, it is better to hire someone who knows how to handle your PCs very well.

But before calling for help, you can do some basic strategies to spot the problem in your PC software. Here is a list of things you can do:

. Restart the computer. Minor problems usually correct themselves after the system has been restarted.
. Check the cables and be sure that everything is plugged in.
. Test the electric power. Plug a device into the same outlet where your computer is plugged in. This rule out the possibility that your outlet might not be working.
. Make sure that the monitor and CPU are connected to the power source.
. Detach peripheral devices such as your external Zip disk or printer. Restart the computer afterward.
. Take note of unusual sounds. The hard rive can be making too much noise or the cooling fan may no longer be running.
. Check the insides of the computer for wires that are disengaged. Faulty connections are common PC software problems.
. Use an external start-up disk to run the computer. A good example would be a software CD that came with your PC.

These basic steps can help greatly in PC troubleshooting. Be sure to employ these ways before calling a technician. Remember, minor glitches are easily solved and handled on your own. It would also be less expensive if you try safe and simple steps to troubleshoot your PC.

Tips to Guide You by

. Before deciding to call the technical support team for PC troubleshooting, note down the exact problem and relay what you were doing when the problem occurred. Write down the error messages that appeared on your screen as this can help in fixing your device.
. Be very specific in explaining the problem. Report all the texts and signs you have seen on the screen so technicians can handle the PC software more appropriately.
. Free up some of your hard drive space from unnecessary files. Many clients who have asked for PC troubleshooting have hard disks that are nearly full. Remember to empty the Recycle Bin afterward to clear your hard drive from these files.
. When troubleshooting your PC, remember not to zap the RAM. Leave the wires connected into the surge suppressor while working inside the PC.
. Remember to call for help if the problem is beyond your skills and capabilities. PC troubleshooting is best handled by professionals who can better take care of your PC software and its other components.