The main obvious difference is the speed of data transfer. A basic Broadband connection is 5 to 6 times faster than your traditional Dialup connection, eg this enables you to do things which simply aren't feasible on a Dialup connection. The first thing most people notice is that they are able to do more than one task at a time on the internet, eg downloading email while browsing the web on a Dialup connection would prove frustrating and slow. With Broadband, you would not notice a significant drop in performance of your connection because it can handle more information at the one time.
Another main difference from Dialup is the 'always on' connection. This means you would no longer have to make a phone call to connect to the internet which ties up your phone line while using the connection. One of the big selling points for Broadband is that you can be on the internet and use the phone at the same time from a single phone line.
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