Even the best web hosting service providers cannot promise you a server free of any down time. As a layman, this is the time when you are not able to access the website (you often see the message saying “Host unavailable” or “unable to locate host”) or the speed of extracting the data from the website is very poor. However, for an entrepreneur having a business online, the server down time could be the worst nightmare, for this is the time when he may lose potential customers.
Though the regulations say that a server having more than 1% downtime (i.e. 3 days in a year) is technically not acceptable, in practical situations, even the best web hosting providers perform otherwise, although many have an excellent web monitoring facility.
However, at some times, the problem may not be located at the server end. If you are having a hard time editing your website & still not able to see the changes, here are a few tips that may come in handy. Check with your FTP software (Dreamweaver or so) for any blockages or restrictions created for your IP. Certain changes in your cpanel can also lead to unwanted consequences.
If the problem persists, do consult the customer care. Do not forget to add your IP address, the total duration of the down time experienced (some may experience ups & downs in the accessibility speed to the website) in the correspondence email. It is nice to know that unlike the breakdowns experiences in the past, down times are healed much faster nowadays.
Thanks for news.
nice sites
Thanks for news.
Nice Info.
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