Saturday, October 8, 2011

To add a watermark to a printed document:

Add Watermarks to Your Word Documents

Watermarks are text or pictures that appear behind the text. They can add interest or identify the document's status, marking a document as a draft, for example. You can use graphics or text as watermarks and, with Word 2002, adding a watermark to a document is easier than ever.

1.            On the Format menu, point to Background, and then click Printed Watermark.

2.            Do one of the following:

§                               To insert a picture as a watermark, click Picture watermark, and then click Select Picture. Select the picture you want, and then click Insert.

§                               To insert a text watermark, click Text watermark, and then select or enter the text you want.

3.            Select any additional options you want, and then click Apply.

4.            To view a watermark as it will appear on the printed page, click Print Layout on the View menu.

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